Pet Halloween Costumes

Home » The Homeschool Years » Pet Halloween Costumes

This post : PET HALLOWEEN COSTUMES is part of our series THE HOMESCHOOLING YEARS and was originally published in 2012.

These original blog posts came with me from my “blogger” days. They were written from the heart, as a way to record the memories in real-time as they were happening. Their intended audience was simply family and close friends. Because they are an ESSENTIAL PART of Happy Hive Homeschool’s evolution, I have chosen to keep them in their original form with minor edits if needed. You may see the post repeated in a more recent more descriptive post as well. I hope you can indulge a mother in her memory keeping!

Even the Cats have costumes this year.

Minnie – You little Devil!

cat dressed as devil

Jack is A Pirate – His full name is Captain Jack after all!

Princess is not a happy Angel…